I’m seeking the Office Of City Council for Ward 2. The City of Oak
Hill has been my home since birth and I’ve been fortunate to have
the “small town” experience. After obtaining a BS Degree in
Business Management, I began my banking career and pursued
this adventure for 22 years serving as Collection Officer,
Consumer Loan Officer and Mortgage Loan Officer. This work
experience provided me with the knowledge of sound fiscal
After my banking career, I was given the opportunity to work in
the federal government sector and retired in December of 2021
having spent 22 years serving in the capacity of Senior
Investigative Analyst for Criminal Investigations with the
Department Of Treasury. While working for the federal
government, I gained invaluable knowledge of the workings of our
national government. It was an honor to receive the Albert
Gallatin Award which is given in recognition of the esteem that the
Treasury Department held for me.
I’m a member of Calvary Baptist Church and serve on the
Finance Committee.
I feel that the city has the potential to grow given the proximity to
the New River Gorge National Preserve. Furthermore, I feel that if
growth is to occur that the residents have an input in the decision
making process.
Contact Information: [email protected]