Jess McMullen

Running For Sheriff of Fayette County

For those who don’t know me, I just want to give a brief introduction of myself. My name is Jess McMullen, and I am a candidate for Sheriff of Fayette County.

I was born and raised in Fayette County in a small community known as Ames Heights. I attended elementary and middle school in Ansted. I graduated from Midland Trail High School. In 1996 I joined the West Virginia Army National Guard. I attended college at Marshall University and Glenville State. In 2001, I began my law enforcement career with the town of Ansted. In 2002, I was hired by the Fayette County Sheriff’s Department. Between 2003 and 2004, I spent a 22-month deployment with the National Guard during Operation Enduring Freedom. Upon returning home, I continued my career at the sheriff’s department until December 2023 when I retired at the rank of Lieutenant so that I may run for the office of Sheriff.

During my career, I have worked in every detachment at the sheriff’s department. I was a founding member of the Special Response Team, I was a K9 handler and served as a detachment commander and supervisor. However, my most memorable assignment was when I was the Prevention Resource Officer at Oak Hill High School. I really enjoyed the nine years that I was stationed there. Working with an awesome staff and wonderful kids was truly a blessing.

I am an assistant football coach at Oak Hill Middle School and have been for five years. I coached in the New River Patriots organization years prior to that. Coaching our youth is a passion that I have enjoyed for quite a few years now.

I am currently employed by the Fayetteville Police Department as a patrol officer. I am very thankful to the Town of Fayetteville for the opportunity to continue my law enforcement career while I pursue my dream of being your next Sheriff of the best county and community in West Virginia.

I am blessed and humbled to have the endorsement from the following organizations: WV Sheriff’s Association, WV State Deputy Sheriff’s Association, Fayette County Deputy Sheriff’s Association, UMWA and AFT-Fayette County.

I would appreciate your support and vote for Sheriff of Fayette County on May 14th!!


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