Fayette County Fire Levy

(Not Applicable)
Running For Fayette County Fire Levy

FOR the Fire Stations and Fire Prevention Units Levy. Authorizing an additional levy in the approximate annual amount of $1,615,792 for years 2025 – 2028 for the purpose of erecting, maintaining, equipping and operating Fire Stations and Fire Prevention Units, provided the County Commission shall review each additional levy rate amount before the start of each fiscal year pursuant to WV Code §11-8-6g(a), and may, at its sole discretion, decrease any and all additional levy rate amounts for the upcoming fiscal year if it finds them unnecessary to fund these public services. Any decrease approved by the County Commission shall be in effect only for that fiscal year, after which the rate of additional levy rate amounts decreased shall return to the original rate absent further action by the County Commission. Voters should note this levy cycle has been shortened to 4 years from the previous five-year cycle to coincide with the State budgeting process. The additional levy rate to erect, maintain, equip and operate Fire Stations and Fire Prevention Units in cents per $100 of assessed valuation shall be: on Class I property three and sixty one-hundredths cents(3.61cents/$.0361); on Class II property seven and twenty two-hundredths cents(7.22cents/$.0722);on Class III property fourteen and forty four-hundredths cents(14.44cents/$.1444);and on Class IV property fourteen and forty four-hundredths cents(14.44cents/$.1444).


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